Financial lenders generally appear untrustworthy and lacking sophistication, polish or authenticity. Additionally, Nuborrow needed to change their name from Freedom Lending, due to trademark issues, so it was an opportune time for a holistic rebrand and campaign that would work to thwart the opinion of this particular tier-2 lender.
Financial lenders generally appear untrustworthy and lacking sophistication, polish or authenticity. Additionally, Nuborrow needed to change their name from Freedom Lending, due to trademark issues, so it was an opportune time for a holistic rebrand and campaign that would work to thwart the opinion of this particular tier-2 lender.
Our discovery work revealed that consumers in need of financial assistance often feel alone and are losing their faith in their abilities.
Our discovery work revealed that consumers in need of financial assistance often feel alone and are losing their faith in their abilities.
We leveraged this powerful consumer insight and rebranded Nuborrow based on their ability to truly deliver against it. Nuborrow has always been a compassionate, caring lender (uncommon amongst others in the category) that provides advice and regular check-ins to ensure their customers stay the course and achieve their desire for financial freedom. The brand purpose of “We exist to help you believe in yourself so that you can experience the value of your efforts.” was created and a full brand redesign and campaign followed, supported by a new website, broadcast television commercial, online video, and lead generation social media and display ads.
We leveraged this powerful consumer insight and rebranded Nuborrow based on their ability to truly deliver against it. Nuborrow has always been a compassionate, caring lender (uncommon amongst others in the category) that provides advice and regular check-ins to ensure their customers stay the course and achieve their desire for financial freedom. The brand purpose of “We exist to help you believe in yourself so that you can experience the value of your efforts.” was created and a full brand redesign and campaign followed, supported by a new website, broadcast television commercial, online video, and lead generation social media and display ads.
• +1400% increase in unique website visits over the duration of the 4-month campaign.
• +1400% increase in unique website visits over the duration of the 4-month campaign.
• Sales lift of 312%, which included an improved close-rate of 43%.
• A brand position that creates sustainable growth and affinity over the long-term.
Role: Creative Director